Nursing Diagnosis In The Home Care of The Elderly

Nursing Diagnosis In The Home Care of The Elderly

In this article, we are going to be discussing on the possible nursing diagnosis that may come up in the home care of the elderly.


Possible Nursing Diagnosis In The Home Care Of The Elderly

Below are some nursing diagnosis that are related to care of the elderly at home

1. Impaired Home Maintenance

This is the state in which an individual or family experience is at risk to experiencing difficulty in monitoring a safe, hygienic and growth producing home environment. This diagnosis can describe situations in which the individual or family needs specific support or instructions to manage home care of a family member or activities of daily living.

To make this diagnosis one or more of these conditions must be observed;

  • Difficulty in maintaining home hygiene
  • Difficulty in maintaining a safe home
  • Inability to keep up home
  • Lack of sufficient finance

The following may or may not be present

  • Repeated infection
  • Accumulated wastes
  • Over crowding
  • Infestation

For the elderly adult this diagnosis is related to multiple care requirements secondary to family members with deficits(cognitive, motor and sensory)



The objective of this is for the home care giver to demonstrate the ability to perform skills necessary for the care of the home.


Nursing Intervention

  • Determine with the person and family the information needed to be taught and learnt.
  • Determine the type of equipment needed, considering availability, cost and durability
  • Determine the type of assistance needed. These needs may be housework, and transport.
  • Discuss the implication of caring for chronically ill family member and the effect on other role responsibility.
  • The nurse should arrange for home visit. Give the caregiver the opportunity to share problems and feelings.


  • Identify factors that restrict self-care and home management.
  • Express satisfaction with home situation.


Read Also: Home Care Of The Elderly


2. Caregiver Role Strain

This is a state in which an individual is experiencing physical, emotional, social or financial burden in the process of given care to another. It represents the burden of care-giving on the physical and emotional health of the caregiver and its effects on the family and social system of the caregiver and care receiver.

The following is observed in this situation

  • The caregiver reporting insufficient time or physical energy.
  • The caregiver having difficulty in performing care-giving activities required.
  • Care-giving responsibilities interfering with other important roles eg work, spouse, friends and others
  • Apprehension about the future for the care receiver’s health and ability to provide care.
  • Apprehension about care receivers care when caregiver is ill or diseased
  • Depressed feelings and anger.


  1. assess for causative or contributing factors which maybe;
  • Poor insight into the situation.
  • Unrealistic expectations
  • Inability to access helps
  • Social isolation
  • Provide empathy and promote a sense of competency
  • Discuss the effect od present schedule and responsibility
  1. discuss the effect of present schedule and responsibilities on
  • Physical health
  • Emotional status
  • Relationship
  1. assist to identify activities which assistance is desired. It may elderly’s need for;
  • Hygiene
  • Meal
  • Laundry
  • Housekeeping
  • Landry
  • House keeping
  • Shopping
  • House repair
  1. discuss with the family the following;
  • Importance of regularly acknowledging the burden of the situation for the caregiver.
  • Benefits of listening without giving advice.
  • The importance of emotional support.
  1. identify all possible sources of volunteer help in family which may include;
  • Friends
  • Neighbours
  • Church
  • Community group.
  1. identify community resources available such as;
  • Support group
  • Social service
  • Home delivered meal
  • Counseling
  • Transportation
  • Day care
  1. when appropriate home care is not possible, discuss with the family the nursing home and senior housing available.


3. Compromised Family Coping

this is a state in which a usually supportive primary person is providing sufficient, ineffective or compromised support comfort, assistance or encouragement that may be needed by the client to manage or master adoptive task related to his or her health challenges.

To make this diagnosis the following must be found;

  • The elderly expresses or confirm a concern or complaint about the significant other’s response to his/her care.
  • The caregiver describes preoccupation with personal reactions such as (fear, grief, guilt) to the elderly person’s condition.
  • The home caregiver confirms an inadequate understanding or knowledge base that interferes with effective assistance or supportive behaviours.
  • The home caregiver withdraws or enters into limited or temporary personal communication with the client in times of need.
  • The home caregiver display protective behaviour disproportionate to the client’s abilities or need for anatomy.

We hope this information was helpful. Feel free to ask your questions in the comment section below.